Lemon Tartlets!

Lemony Lemon Tartlets!

A delicious, zesty, smooth and silky lemon curd in a golden brown pastry shell is what makes a lemon tart so desirable.

It’s up to you whether you want a sweet pastry base or a plain one and a biscuit base or a pastry base.

Also, there are two kinds of curd fillings: one that needs to be baked and another that you can cook and cool and pipe on the shells later.

The ones I’ve done here are the baked ones.


Will definitely do a non-baked curd filling soon and show you lovelies.

And you might just get another surprise recipe if you keep following my blog and Facebook page.

(p.s. 2 new tried and tested recipes on 500 likes on the Facebook page *winks*)

Much Love,

Ciao Ciao

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