Garato Jalebi!

Garato Jalebi!!!

One of my favorite things about Rawalpindi!!!

Nothing like a freshly made, crispy, crunchy, chewy in the middle and scrumptious Garato!

Best place to find it, “THE GARATO” on Murree Road… I tell you it has so many more stalls of garato around it and no one has customers, while his shop is full of people! He has an organized system, tells everyone to stay in a line and order on their turn, treats everyone equally *grins*


Gives you the freshest, most succulent garato jalebi! Soothing to have it in the winters as its warm and yum… but garato fans like me cannot even resist it in summers and never wait for winters… hahaha

I remember going to the same place since forever!

It’s the 4th generation selling and working on the shop now, that I’ve seen… while dad remembers it even before that, talk about ‘Loyal Customers’ *winks*


Do give it a try whoever’s in Pindi and those who aren’t… umm maybe pay a special visit in winters because you don’t wanna miss it! *smiles*

Expert advice: Don’t buy a huge packet of 1kg or even 1/2kg… Ask for 4 individual 1/4kg bags! That way everyone can have a bag of their own and there will be no worry of getting soggy jalebis in the bottom *winks*

fresh garato

Much Love,

Garato Maniac!

One Comment Add yours

  1. Tariq Suri says:

    With publicity fee “The Grato” is The Grato rest are copy cats. Adeen has a gun thats why I used to drive her there in summers. But now she takes me


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